Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benazir Bhutto 6/21/1958 - 12/27/2007

Allow me this digression. I don't claim to know much about Bhutto or her politics, but political assassination always makes me feel sick. Nothing justifies taking the life of a human, particularly not one who was doing what she thought was right for her country. As far as I can tell, she dedicated herself to achieving change that would benefit the people of Pakistan.

But, once again, the fear of change in people was to powerful. Bhutto was shot in the neck and died within hours. CNN is already spinning this as only they know how. Their reporting is sensationalist, exploitative, and in technicolor. Everyone is going to rush out and blame the muslims for this. They might say its a violent religion, that they are uncivilized people. This is the great tragedy of her death, and our method of consumption of the news.

It may well have been an extremist of islamic faith who did this vile act, but it is not because they were Islamic that they pulled the trigger. It was because they feared her. Just like we feared King, Robert Kennedy, Malcome X, Guevara and how Putin fears people like Anna Politkovskaya. Religion, race, non of that has anything to do with it. People who have power are afraid to lose it, thus they hate those who might seek to take it away. Many will also have seen her western education and privileged background as condescending and corrupt.

There were also 15 other people killed tonight in Pakistan and they should not be forgotten either.

This death benefits a lot of people in Pakistan, but won't change anything in the power struggle between Musharraf and the fundamentalists. For the future? Well, it sucks for ordinary Parkistani people who supported her, they are less likely to get a fair vote, or a candidate they want. But its up to them to handle the situation and decide where to take the country. It is both a tragedy and an opportunity at the same time.

If you believe powerful individuals have the ability to force through democracy on their people, this is probably a really bad day. But if you are like me, and you see the paradox in this theory, then today is sad because another public servant, a symbol of hope for millions, was senselessly murdered. We should all feel inspired to stand for what we believe in, know why we believe something, speak out, and respect those how feel otherwise.

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